E.P.I (“Elite Predator Interceptors”) Exposed as Frauds

This article was written shortly after our team leader messaged E.P.I causing them to slip up massively - we managed to ascertain that they aren't actually concerned about child safety after all.

  • HOW Did they afford their mini-mansion? All that decking isn’t cheap.
  • What else have they got stashed away? Who or what is buried under their patio?
  • Is it the eye of Sauron? Or BazEPI sending us his infected dick pic?
  • Learn more…

This so-called sting team can’t even use the built-in screen reader on their own devices.

E.P.I should not be conducting stings if they can’t perform basic tasks on the net

And now we have clear evidence that they aren’t at all bothered about child safety – all they care about “likes” on FaceBook.

Elite Predator Interceptors have slipped up big time during a chat in messenger.

They attempt to poor scorn on the profile of our team leader by mocking the amount of likes/loves on the posts – obviously, when touching on sensitive topics, readers DO NOT want their name to show in a list of people who’ve reacted, otherwise they risk encountering the same reprisals themselves.

Here’s a screenshot of the chat:

The scumbag! What a giveaway – they’ve been conning people, selling “likes” with their phony accounts that were supposed to have been used as decoys, posting reviews of their own page, and now they’ve bought a mansion from their donations!


Did You Know….. 

- E.P.I is actually an anagram of P.I.E – the notorious “Pedophile Information Exchange” (NONCEs love to play spooky games with other acronyms). I expect they exchange with the other pedophiles, having them “like” so many pre-arranged posts for their clients, and exchange illegal material safely hidden away in their 6 bedroom barn conversion.

Why the tyrannosaurus with a septic ulcer?

Could that some kind of nonces code? Maybe they meet at the Natural History Museum? It’s not far from Soho Square….

Hmm, lets abandon that train of thought and look at farmer baz-epi , got his nob stuck in the kids toy tractor again oh what a joker he is.


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